Technit - Tema WordPress de Tecnologia

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Criado: 21 de dez. de 2022

Atualizado : 30 de abr. de 2024

Identificação: 301464

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Technit - Tema WordPress de Tecnologia - Features Image 1Technit - Tema WordPress de Tecnologia - Features Image 2Technit - Tema WordPress de Tecnologia - Features Image 3Technit - Tema WordPress de Tecnologia - Features Image 4Technit - Tema WordPress de Tecnologia - Features Image 5Technit - Tema WordPress de Tecnologia - Features Image 6


Technit Wordpress主题是为提供技术的品牌设计的, 科技公司, Serviços de TI, Web Design, Software Web, 公司业务, Consultoria e Todos os Serviços Tecnológicos.

超越现有标准, 你将有一个有创意的wordpress主题,用最新的技术设计,并针对端到端技术服务的效果.


Com seu design móvel profissional e infra-estrutura de SEO avançada, 您将领先于您的竞争对手,并在不同的外观和不同的代码基础设施中创建高威望.

技术wordpress主题有250个或更多的技术图标集, 60个专业的网络字体和80个独特的创意网络效果的科技公司. Assim, 您将有充足的机会定制网站过渡中的效果和图标.

它将导入演示数据与点击,并选择“颜色,色调,字体,描述等。."从主题设置. 你将能够非常迅速地改变你的整个企业形象.

A partir das abas das páginas que criamos com as páginas temáticas, você poderá alterar o conteúdo passo a passo muito rapidamente.

如果你想拥有一个最先进的网站,对你的品牌有不同的看法, 在不浪费时间的情况下获得主题,并立即看到不同.

Recursos dos Temas Technit WordPress:

  • 采用现代新一代技术编制的具有旋转效果的全屏滑动区域
  • 超过250套科技行业的专业图标
  • 60+ fontes web profissionais para a indústria de tecnologia
  • Mais de 80 efeitos profissionais da Web de próxima geração
  • 快速定制企业身份与简单的主题设置面板, 改变所有颜色, 音调和字体与点击
  • 专业移动响应式设计
  • Fontes e efeitos da web criativos da próxima geração
  • Layouts de caixa diferentes e claros e carrosséis profissionais
  • 文本按钮连续旋转
  • Área do carrossel de comentários compilados com script criativo
  • 专业服务网页
  • 专业项目页面
  • Página de detalhes do serviço profissional
  • Página de detalhes do projeto profissional
  • 专业报价单
  • 专业联络表格
  • Formulário de retorno de chamada profissional
  • Sidewidget e área de rodapé preenchida com conjuntos de ícones
  • 现代标题字段
  • og体育的专业页面
  • 专业评论页
  • 专业团队页面
  • 手风琴专业页面常见问题
  • página do blog
  • 联系页面
  • E mais...




Advanced Custom Field Framework Plugin升级,更新 - Important critical update. 它需要重新安装. When updating plugins, make sure your PHP versions are 8.0 and above.





高级自定义字段插件.1.8升级,更新 - Important critical update. 它必须重新安装. 经典编辑器插件1.6.2升级,更新 联系人表单插件7.8升级,更新 复制页插件4.5.2升级,更新 一键演示导入插件3.1.2升级,更新 WordPress导入插件0.8.1升级,更新 WP选项导入插件7.0升级,更新 复制菜单插件0.2.2升级,更新 确保你的php版本是8.更新插件时0及以上.

1.0.5 Important critical improvements, Added new internal pages. 在团队区域添加了额外的社交媒体图标,在acf区域创建了特殊链接区域. 其他问题已解决. 添加了新的sass代码. Added special js code to hamburger menu. Thus, when clicking on the hamburger menu in all responsive sizes, the x sign will appear and when clicked, it will close. 我们这样做是为了一个定制的外观. 当您单击此区域时,联系人信息将出现在桌面的侧小部件区域. The hamburger in the mobile menu comes from this area in the menu.

重新导入演示数据,这样您就可以从这些关键更新中导入所有功能. Then download the theme again from the Downloads area. 然后重新安装主题并将json文件导入“资源”文件夹. 所以所有的字段都会出现. Do not forget to take a backup of your site. 当您再次导入json文件时,它将导入所有标识、字体和音调相同.



Theme settings custom meta fields have been updated. json文件已更新. 旋转木马已经更新. 所有插件都已更新. 图标代码已更新. 更新的web效果. Acf tabs updated. 更新的sass和自定义css文件.


critical update,

所有插件都已更新. 页脚字段已更新. 图像已经优化. 代码密度增加了. 特殊装载机区域和按钮区域已添加到管理面板中. Added custom seo meta fields to theme settings.




页脚区域的图标布局, links, logo, 社交媒体图标和所有填充布局和布局都以移动设计为中心.


除了他的能力外,主题是流体直接和相关 建议是明智和谨慎的 I recommend
Hello, Your wonderful thoughts really made us very happy. 我们始终尽最大努力为客户提供最优质的服务. And we want to provide the fastest web experience. 再次感谢你的赞美. Best regards
Excellent Website Template for Tech Businesses - TechnIT 我最近为我的科技初创公司使用了TechnIT网站模板,我不能再印象深刻了. 这个模板提供了一个时尚和现代的设计,完美地符合我们想要为我们的公司描绘的形象. 布局是直观的,使它容易访客浏览我们的服务和提供. One of the standout features of this template is its responsiveness. Our website looks great on all devices, 从台式机到智能手机, 确保我们能够有效地接触到我们的受众,无论他们如何访问我们的网站. 此外,TechnIT提供的定制选项非常出色. 我们可以定制模板,以匹配我们的品牌颜色和整合我们的标志无缝. The codebase is clean and well-organized, making it simple to make further tweaks and adjustments as needed. 技术团队提供的客户支持也非常出色. 他们对我们的询问作出回应,并在我们遇到任何问题时提供有用的指导. Overall, 我强烈推荐技术网站模板给任何技术企业寻找一个专业和用户友好的在线存在. It has exceeded our expectations in every aspect, and I wouldn't hesitate to give it a five-star rating.
Hello, Your wonderful thoughts really made us very happy. 我们始终尽最大努力为客户提供最优质的服务. And we want to provide the fastest web experience. 再次感谢你的赞美. Best regards
The template is the best and the Author's assistance too. He knows perfectly well the common mistakes that users make, he helps us, 他附上照片来更好地解释自己,他帮助我们超快. I give it 5 stars because I can't give it 10. Thank you!!
Hello, Your wonderful thoughts really made us very happy. 我们始终尽最大努力为客户提供最优质的服务. And we want to provide the fastest web experience. 再次感谢你的赞美. Best regards
the most useful, simple and functional theme I have ever used. I highly recommend it, their support is very fast and very good.
Hello sir, Your wonderful thoughts really made us very happy. 我们始终尽最大努力为客户提供最优质的服务. And we want to provide the fastest web experience. 再次感谢你的赞美. Best regards.
Awesome Theme, 但是很难安装, 作者在几分钟内帮助了我, 非常快的反应(少于10分钟)和非常快的解决所有问题. Very recommended
Hello sir, Your wonderful thoughts really made us very happy. 我们始终尽最大努力为客户提供最优质的服务. And we want to provide the fastest web experience. 再次感谢你的赞美. Best regards.


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